If your business owns a fleet of vehicles, you know that eliminating your downtime and managing your fleet maintenance based on what kind of vehicle as well as how it is used in your business is demanding. Choosing the right shop to service your fleet vehicles is how you ensure your fleet's longevity and streamline costs!
Here at Van Meter Auto Repair in Mantua, our fleet customers depend on us to keep their vehicles running better longer with fewer maintenance issues. We find that providing personalized service schedules for their fleets based on individual vehicles and having a team of knowledgeable technicians with the right tools makes that job a perfect fit!
Our technicians understand that besides oil changes, tires, and brakes fleet vehicles need specialized attention as they work harder than personal vehicles, and issues are left to escalate more often. We will thoroughly check your fleet service to build a program that works for each vehicle and their needs based on the age, engine type, and driving schedule of the vehicle. There is no One Size Fits All here as we take the time to deliver business solutions to our fleet customers with the goal of keeping your business running strong. Replacing a vehicle is expensive; replacing several of them costs a fortune so our program ensures your business fleet lasts for years come.
SCHEDULE SERVICE PLAN Our fleet customers depend on us to generate a plan for them based on their driving habits, the type of vehicles in their fleets, and individual driving patterns that will allow them to keep their fleet vehicles serviced effectively while allowing them minimal downtime. Here at Van Meter Auto Repair, we take your needs seriously and this is just one of the talents we bring to the table in getting your needs handled. We always want to ensure you have your team working at maximum efficiency so we will work with you to plan around any big maintenance projects needed and schedule your standard maintenance so it gets done properly and on time with as little downtime as possible. Here is customer service that matters!
We look forward to helping you meet your needs as a Fleet Repair Service Provider here in Mantua and would love to earn your business.
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Mon-Thurs: 7 am - 6 pm
Fri: 7 am - 5 pm